Session #1: A Primer on Administrative Capability
Session #2: Internal Controls for Collecting, Counting, and Classifying Statistics
Session #3: Internal Controls for Identifying and Establishing Clery Geography
Session #4: Internal Controls for Identifying, Notifying, Training and Engaging CSAs
Session #5: Developing Policies, Processes and Procedures for Managing Ongoing Disclosures
Session #6: Emergency Response and Operations – Developing and Managing a Clery Compliant Test
Session #7: Developing and Distributing Compliant Annual Reports (ASR/AFSR)
Session #1: A Primer on Administrative Capability
This session will help attendees better understand the concept of administrative capability as it relates to complying with the Clery Act. The five components of an internal control system as well as each components’ associated principles used to guide development of a system of internal control for Clery compliance purposes will also be introduced. Attendees will begin developing draft strategic plans relative to their individual compliance programs and work in groups to refine those strategies and goals for moving their compliance programs forward.
Session #2: Internal Controls for Collecting, Counting, and Classifying Statistics
This session is designed to develop an understanding of how an institution can establish clear objectives and internal control systems to safeguard accurate, complete, and fully-reconciled crime statistics in a manner that ensures administrative capability. This includes recognizing what policies, procedures, and processes are integral to the proper compilation of crime reports and statistics. These key control areas include crime report source identification; collection, classification, counting, categorizing (by Clery Geography location), reconciliation, and tracking of crime reports in an audit trail; systematically testing statistics for potential errors and sampling reports; and assuring management oversight and quality assurance. Session attendees will be asked to submit materials in advance of the session, and they will be required to work together in groups during the session in identifying and developing control systems necessary for the proper classification and disclosure of annual statistics.
Session #3: Internal Controls for Identifying and Establishing Clery Geography
This session is designed to develop an understanding of how an institution can establish clear objectives and internal control systems necessary to enhance Clery Act geography identification and development. It is incumbent upon each institution to regularly assess the buildings and properties associated with their campus(es) and the Public Property within or immediately adjacent to each campus in order to determine how these locations correspond to the Clery-specific geographic categories. The U.S. Department of Education (ED) recommends that institutions develop an up-to-date Clery-specific map to depict an accurate picture of the institution’s Clery Geography. NACCOP also recommends campuses develop a list of the buildings and properties that corresponds with the map, as ED will request this information in the event of an audit. Session attendees will be asked to submit materials in advance of the session, and they will be required to work together in groups during the session in assessing or developing their Clery geography maps and property lists and identifying and developing other control systems necessary for the proper identification and establishment of their institutional Clery Geography.
Session #4: Internal Controls for Identifying, Notifying, Training and Engaging CSAs
Data from the U.S. Departments of Education (ED) and Justice (DOJ) reflect an increasing number of reported Hate Crimes on college and university campuses in the last decade. The landscape of higher education is ever evolving, and institutions are not immune from issues related to bias, discriminatory conduct, and harassment. This session is designed to help attendees understand how to best prepare for and respond to incidents of bias from a Clery Act perspective. Case study examples will be reviewed in small groups for broader discussion and assessment.
Session #5: Developing Policies, Processes and Procedures for Managing Ongoing Disclosures
Description forthcoming.
Session #6: Emergency Response and Operations – Developing and Managing a Clery Compliant Test
Description forthcoming.
Session #7: Developing and Distributing Compliant Annual Reports (ASR/AFSR)
Description forthcoming.
Session #8: Developing a System to Create, Manage and Track Institutional Prevention, Awareness & Education Programming
Description forthcoming.