
NACCOP > Committees

NACCOP invites members to get more involved by joining a NACCOP Committee. 

Annual Conference Advisory Committee

The NACCOP Annual Conference Advisory Committee serves as a sounding board for the Executive Director of NACCOP concerning the annual NACCOP conference. This committee provides feedback on the conference experience and suggestions for future conferences.  The Advisory Committee is also consulted by the Executive Director on an ad hoc basis for input into forward-focused initiatives, programming, or other conditions that might relate to the annual conference experience. 

Awards Committee

The purpose of the NACCOP Awards Committee is to recognize the outstanding contributions of individuals and institutions as they endeavor to comply with the Clery Act. Awards Committee members help encourage nominations of deserving individuals and institutions, assist in the review of nominations, and make recommendations to the NACCOP staff regarding which individuals or institutions should be selected for the awards.

Federal Relations Committee

The NACCOP Federal Relations Committee assists in monitoring key policy issues facing higher education institutions with a focus on those that impact the Clery Act and the intersections with Title IX. The Committee serves as a sounding board for the Executive Director and Director of Federal Relations representing a diverseness of views and opinions from association member institutions across the United States.

Research Committee

The purpose of the NACCOP Research Committee is to assist NACCOP in developing, implementing, and analyzing surveys that address matters of interest to Clery compliance officers and professionals.  The Research Committee will also provide feedback and/or leadership on other data-gathering and analysis initiatives conducted by, with, or for the Association.  The Research Committee will assist NACCOP in developing and implementing a process to review proposals seeking engagement of NACCOP members in scholarly research.

Two-Year Committee

The purpose of the NACCOP Two-Year Committee is to raise issues and challenges specific to two-year colleges, trades and technical institutions related to compliance with the Clery Act; partner in solutions, including taking proactive roles in problem-solving; and create a place where two-year members can generate ideas and voice needs regarding Clery Act compliance efforts.