Title IX & Equity Alliance

NACCOP > Title IX & Equity Alliance

NACCOP Members, including Title IX coordinators and investigators, already benefit from NACCOP’s focus on the interconnectedness of Title IX and the Clery Act.

The Title IX & Equity Alliance (“the Alliance”) was created so that Title IX and Equity professionals can further engage in a dedicated community of practitioners through which they will receive additional discounts, exclusive programming, and other benefits curated specifically for them to meet their unique professional development needs.

The Alliance is a dedicated affinity group through which Title IX and Equity Professionals, and the practitioners who support and/or supervise them, can benefit from NACCOP’s expertise in complying with the Clery Act, Title IX, and other civil rights laws that affect their work.

Benefits of enrolling in the Title IX & Equity Alliance include:

  • Access to NACCOP’s annual 9 on IX webinar series at no additional cost (a $610 value)
  • These 60-minute succinct webinars will offer legal insight and practical guidance on Title IX topics from experts who have served or are currently serving as active practitioners on college and university campuses.
  • Title IX & Equity Open House Discussion Series (every other month, 6 sessions annually)
  • An Alliance-exclusive virtual open house will be held bi-monthly to engage with experts from NACCOP’s partner organization, D. Stafford & Associates, as well as other invited guests, to discuss current trends and issues. Each open house will focus on a specific topic for discussion and participants will be encouraged to engage in the conversation.
  • Alliance-Exclusive Professional Development Opportunities
  • Access to Alliance-Exclusive Whitepapers regarding Title VI, VII, and IX
  • Connect and collaborate with other Title IX and Equity Professionals via an Alliance-restricted Listserv

Discounted Professional Development Opportunities

  • NACCOP educational programs, such as the Coffee and Conversations webinar series
  • Individual webinars focused on Title IX & Equity compliance issues
  • A 50% discount on the Title IX Notice Document Library developed by NACCOP’s Partner Organization, D. Stafford & Associates (a $335 value)

NACCOP includes focused engagement and enrichment opportunities for Title IX & Equity professionals through the Title IX & Equity Alliance. Once an individual has an Institutional, Professional, or Committee Membership with NACCOP, they are eligible to join the Alliance. NACCOP members who join the Alliance will enjoy high-quality educational programming and resources to assist them in complying with the complex requirements of the Title IX (and Title VI and Title VII) regulations. NACCOP members who join the Alliance will also benefit from staying informed of the Clery Act implications of their work. The NACCOP team is committed to bringing our members instruction from experts in Title IX who have served as practitioners, as well as being considered experts in the field, and the instruction focuses on the practical application of the Title IX regulations.

Title IX & Equity Alliance Pricing

Once an individual has an Institutional, Professional, or Committee Membership with NACCOP, they are eligible to join the Alliance.

The cost for a one-year subscription to the Alliance is $425 per year (the first year of enrollment will be pro-rated to match the NACCOP membership expiration date).